Nokia 2280 Cell Phone User Manual

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1 From the selected profile Customize menu, scroll to Message alert
tone and press Select.
2 Scroll through the options and listen. When you hear the message
alert tone you want to use, press Select.
Set keypad tones
Use the Keypad tones option to set the volume of the tones heard when
pressing your phone keys.
1 From the selected profile’s Customize menu, scroll to Keypad tones
and press Select.
2 Scroll to one of the levels and press Select.
Important: If you choose Off, no keypad tones are heard. The
Silent profile automatically turns keypad tones off.
Set warning tones
You can customize the way your phone plays warning tones and the tones
used for the games. Warning tones include the tones played when there
is an error, during confirmations, when a battery is low, and when you
need to recharge the battery.
1 From the selected profile’s Customize menu, scroll to Warning and
game tones and press Select.
2 Scroll to On and press Select.
If you do not want to use warning or game tones, you can turn them off
by scrolling to Off and pressing Select.