Nokia 3205 Cell Phone User Manual

Settings (Menu 4)
At the start screen, select Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Touch
tones > Touch tone length > Short (0.1 seconds) or Long (0.5 seconds)
and press Select.
Create a welcome note
You can write a welcome note which briefly appears on the display
screen whenever you switch your phone on.
Note: Predictive text input is not available for entering
Welcome note text.
1. At the start screen, select Menu > Settings > Phone settings >
Welcome note and press Select.
2. Enter a note (up to 44 characters).
Press the * key to display and select from available special characters.
3. When you are finished, press Options > Save, and press Select.
Scroll to Delete and press Select if you want to delete the previous
text and begin creating another welcome note.
Help text
Your phone displays brief descriptions for most menu items. When you
arrive at a feature or menu, pause for about 10 seconds and wait for the
help text to display. Use the scroll keys to page through the full help
text, if necessary.
The default setting for Help text is on. However, you can turn help text
on or off by doing the following from the start screen.
At the start screen, select Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Help text
activation > On or Off and press Select.
Send and receive data using IR
You can set up your phone to send or receive data (such as business
cards or calendar notes) through its IR port. To use an IR connection,
transmission and reception must be to or from an IR-compatible phone
or device.