
34 My Phone
Phone settings
You can customise each phone setting.
From My Phone menu
1. 4 move to Phone settings
2. Press < (Select)
3. 4 move to the required settings
4. Press < (Select)
Call services
From Phone settings menu
1. 4 move to Call services
2. Press < (Select)
3. 4 move to the required setting
4. Press < (Select)
You can check the call status.
From Call services menu
1. 4 move to Calls
2. Press < (Select)
3. 4 move to the required status
4. Press < (Select)
Last call You can see the duration of the last call.
All calls
You can see the total duration of all calls.
You can reset the total by pressing < (Reset).
Call waiting You can activate Call waiting and see the status.
Caller’s ID You can check how Caller’s ID is received.
Withhold ID You can check how your call ID is sent.
Active line
You can select a line to activate (