Profile Name: Input the profile name.
MMS Centre: Input the connection URL.
GSM Setting: Set up the GSM environment.
- Gateway
- IP Address: Input the IP address. A comma will
be added every 3 digits.
- IP Port: Input the IP port number for yourself.
- Login ID: Input the ID to sign into the gateway.
- Password: Input the password to sign into the
- Data Call Type: Press the [Up/Down] key to
choose either ISDN or Analogue.
- Dial Number: Input the dial number manually
- Login ID: Input the ID to sign into the GSM.
- Password: Input the password to sign into the
GPRS Setting: Set up the GPRS environment.
- Gateway
- IP Address: Input the IP address. A comma will
be added every 3 digits.
- IP Port: Input the IP port number for yourself.
- Login ID: Input the ID to sign into the gateway.
- Password: Input the password to sign into the
- APN: Input the Access Point Name for yourself.
- Login ID: Input the ID to sign into the GPRS.
- Password: Input the password to sign into the
Bearer: Press the [Up/Down] key to choose either
GPRS Only / GSM Only.
Reset Profile: Deletes all the profiles in possession.
Auto Download
Allows you to set how you receive a message. You
can select one of On and Off
Delivery Reports
When this option is set to On, the network informs
you whether or not your message has been
delivered successfully.
Read Reports
When this option sets to On, receiver’s phone
sends a reply to let you know when your message
was read by her/him
Read Rep. Allow
When this option sets to Off, your phone does not
send a reply to the receiver’s phone even if the
sender asks for the read confirmation reply
Spam Filter
When this option sets to On, you can reject
advertisement message from the service provider
You can select one of Off / Prompt If Spam / Reject
MMS Profiles
Select Menu>1.messages>2. Multimedia
Msgs.>7.MMS Profiles and press the [Select] Soft key.
Select ‘MMS Profiles’ and press the [Select] Soft key
to display the current profile list. Unedited profiles will
not be selected. Choose a profile to edit and the ‘Edit
Profile’ window will pop up.