68 Calls
• Cost settings: This option is
available only when the charge
information is included in your
SIM card. You can view
information of the current call and
all recent calls. You need to enter
the PIN2 code to manage,
maximum cost credit and unit
Set the following call divert options:
All calls, If no reply, If out of reach, If
• When All calls is on, all incoming
calls will be diverted to the pre-set
number without any reminder.
•When If no reply is on, incoming
calls will be diverted if the user
does not answer.
•When If out of reach is on,
incoming calls will be diverted to
the pre-set number when the user
is not connected to the network.
•When If busy is on, calls will be
diverted if the user is already
online or if the call is rejected.
• You can also check the Status of
your call diverts or Cancel all call