Sharp SGH-J700V Cell Phone User Manual

using this manual
Copyright information
Rights to all technologies and products that com prise
this device are the property of their respective ow ners:
is a registered tradem ark of the
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldw ide— Bluetooth QD
Java™ is a tradem ark of Sun Microsystem s, Inc.
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Picsel Technologies, Inc.
Follow ed by
—the order of options or
menus you must select to perform a step;
for exam ple: Press <M enu> M essages
Create new m essage (represents Menu,
follow ed by M essages, followed by Create
new message)
[ ]
Square brackets
— phone keys; for exam ple:
[] (represents the Power/M enu exit key)
Angled brackets
—softkeys that control
different functions at each screen; for
exam ple: <OK> (represents the OK