Sharp SGH-J700V Cell Phone User Manual

using tools and applications
Transform an image
1. In Idle mode, press <M enu> Applications
Image editor.
2. Press <Options> New image Open or Take
3. Select an image or take a new photo.
4. Press <Options> Transform Rotate or Flip.
5. U sing the navigation key, rotate or flip the i
as desired and press <D one>.
6. Press <Options> Save as.
7. Press <Yes> to confirm.
8. Enter a new file nam e for the image and press the
Centre key.
Insert a visual feature
1. In Idle m ode, press <M enu> Applications
Image editor.
2. Press <Options> New image Open or Take
3. Select an image or take a new photo.
4. Press <Options> Insert a visual feature
(fram e, clip art, or em oticon).
5. Select a vi
sual feature to add and press <Select>.
6. Press <D one>.
7. Press <Options> Save as.
8. Press <Yes> to confirm.
9. Enter a new file nam e for the image and press the
Centre key.