5 | SonicWALL Mobile Connect for Android User Guide
Android Product Support
SonicWALL Mobile Connect requires the Android 4.0 or newer platform and a cellular or Wi-Fi
SonicWALL Mobile Connect has been verified to run on the following Android devices running
the official Android 4.0 platform:
Although Mobile Connect is designed to work with all Android devices running the 4.0 or
newer platform, only the above platforms have been tested and verified to run Mobile
Connect. Custom ROMs are not officially supported.
Dell SonicWALL Appliance Support
SonicWALL Mobile Connect is a free app, but requires a concurrent user license on one of the
following Dell SonicWALL solutions in order to function properly:
• Dell SonicWALL firewall appliances including the TZ, NSA, E-Class NSA running SonicOS or higher
• Dell SonicWALL SRA appliances running 5.5 or higher
• Dell SonicWALL Aventail E-Class SRA appliances running 10.5.4 or higher
What’s New in This Release?
Application Access Control – Support for the Application Access Control feature in Dell
Secure Mobile Access 11.0 on E-Class SRA appliances is added in Mobile Connect 3.1.
Application Access Control allows remote access administrators to control exactly which
resources on the corporate network each application (app) can access. Meanwhile, the device
owner can still use their personal Android device for their own activities such as personal email,
financial data, pictures, music, accessing third party web sites, etc.
For more information, see Application Access Control on page 29.
Personal Device Authorization – Mobile Connect 3.1 supports the Personal Device
Authorization feature in Dell Secure Mobile Access 11.0 on E-Class SRA appliances.
Administrators can configure the E-Class SRA appliance so that users who log in with personal
devices are allowed access to the network, provided that the user authorizes the device.
Personal Device Authorization is configured independently of Application Access Control and
the two features are not required to be simultaneously enabled.
During the authorization process of the personal device:
• An authorization record is created that associates the device with the user.
• Dell Venue 7 and 8 • ASUS Nexus 7
• Samsung Nexus 10 • ASUS FonePad
• Samsung Galaxy S2 • LG Nexus 4
• Samsung Galaxy S3 • LG Nexus 5
• Samsung Galaxy S4 • Motorola Droid Razr Tablet
• Samsung Galaxy S5
• Samsung Galaxy Tab • Amazon Kindle Fire HDX