This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.
Text messaging, picture messaging, email,
My friends, messaging glossary.
Text messaging
Text messages are sent via SMS (Short Message
Service). Text messages can contain pictures,
animations, melodies and sound effects. Text
messages can be sent to one person, several
recipients or to a group of recipients that you have
saved in the phonebook
% 40 Groups.
Before you start
First make sure that the number of your service
center is set. The number is supplied by your
service provider and is usually saved on the
SIM card.
To set the service center number
1 } Messages } Settings } Text Message
} Service Center. If the service center number
is saved on the SIM card, it is shown in the list.
2 If there is no number in the list } Add and enter
the number, including the international “+”
sign and country code (by pressing and
holding ) } Save.
Sending text messages
For information about entering letters
% 15 Entering letters.
To write and send a text message
1 } Messages } Write New } Text Message.
2 Write your message } Continue. If you want to
save the message for later, press } Yes to
save it in Drafts.
Your phone supports various messaging services –
text messaging, picture messaging, email and My
Friends. Please contact your service provider for
details on which services you can use.
On you will find Getting
Started Guides that will help you to get started with
all the various messaging services.
If you send a text message to a group, you are charged
for each member of that group.
Some languages-specific characters use more space.
For some languages you can deactivate
to save space.
% 17 Options when entering letters.