Section 1, page 20
Calling Voicemail
If you are not available to answer incoming calls, T-Mobile’s voicemail system
offers your caller the option to record a voice message that you can play back at
your convenience or to send a numeric page to your device. Your device has been
programmed to forward calls to your voicemail when your line is busy or when you
are not available. When you receive a new voicemail, you will be notified by a text
To call voicemail, press and hold the 1 key.
Answering and Ending a Call
When you receive a call, a message displays giving you the option to either answer
or ignore the incoming call.
To answer a call, press the green Send key.
To reject the call, select Ignore. This sends the caller to voicemail.
To end a call, press the red End key.
Viewing Missed Call Log
When you have missed a call, your device displays Missed calls on the Home
screen. To view missed calls, scroll to Missed call and press the Center Select
Viewing Call History
To view your call history, on the Home screen, press the green Send key
Making a Conference Call
1. On the Home screen, type the first number and press the green Send key
to initiate the call, place the first call on hold.
2. When the call is answered, select Menu > Hold to place the first call on hold.
3. Type the second number and press the green
Send key.
4. When the call is answered, select Menu > Conference.