From the AP information table, you can find out the SSID, Mode, Channel, Encryption, Quality,
and MAC address, where SSIS is the only item you need to select to configure network
wireless setting. Encryption is required to be identical to AP encryption setting. Please consult
your IT manager to acquire the Encryption Key information and at least one key is required.
Infrastructure: WALN Infrastructure I sunder WLAN AP or bridge AP network mode.
AdHoc: A P2P allows wireless devices to directly communicate with each other. Wireless
devices within range of each other can discover and communicate directly without involving
central access points. This method is typically used by two computers so that they can
connect to each other to form a network.
Mode: Selection of the wireless networking mode
1. Infrastructure: Infrastructure networking mode
This camera uses the wireless Access Point (AP) as the hub when set to infrastructure
networking mode and connects to the network via the wireless AP.
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