of 128 Bit encryptions is equivalent to 26 sets of hexadecimal digits or 13 sets of ASCII
Encoding HEX ASCII
Available characters 0~9, a~f, A~F 0~9, a~f, A~Z
64 Bit 10 5
128 Bit 26 13
Example.: Wireless mode setting (applicable to most situations)
1. Mode: Select Infrastructure to connect the camera to a wireless base station.
2. Authentication Type: Select Shared Key.
3. SSID: Enter the server name of the base station.
4. WEP Encryption: Select the encrypted key that is the same as the base station.
5. KEY: Select a group that is the same as the wireless base station. You must select
KEY1 for base stations that only have a set of keys.
6. DHCP ON/OFF: DHCP ON is recommended.
7. Save the settings.
Restart the equipment.
Wireless IP Assignment:
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
©2007 Asante Networks Inc., All rights reserved. NetCam are registered trademarks of Asante Network, Inc.
All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.