
on-device memory. The above table is for your reference if you would like to use these types
of notification for event. However, SAMBA will be the only exemption which does allow as
many frames as you like due to the SAMBA is virtually local disk which can capture and write
to the disk at the same time as long as your network has reasonable throughput. SAMBA has
no limit to record the message and it is configureable.
Trigger is for user to set manual alarm, record image or video via following method. There
are 3 types of trigger responses: alarm sending, LED status indicator flash, and emailing
the alarm or recorded image to the specified server. To use this function, enter the server
information by accessing Application Setting => Event => Event Server. You may perform
manual test as specified in this section once you complete the setting to ensure that all
functions are working properly.
1. Trigger Alarm output: Alarm output
Click “Set” to trigger the alarm. Click “Clear” to stop the alarm.
2. Trigger LED: LED indicator display
LED: Event status: click “Set” to turn on the LED event status indicator. Click ”Clear” to
turnoff the indicator.
LED: Link status : click “Set” to turn on the LED Link status indicator. Click “Clear” to turnoff
the indicator.
3. Trigger mail: Sending mail
Click “Set” after you enter the email address and subject to test the integrity of the sent mail.
4. Trigger FTP: Sending AVI file to FTP Server
Upload AVI files to FTP server to test the file integrity.
5. HTTP Server: Sending message to HTTP Server
Upload message to HTTP server to test the message integrity. Enter the message in the
“Message” field. You may go to Application Setting => Event => Event Server to make a
complete custom parameters settings.
6. TCP Server: Sending message to TCP Server
Enter the message in the “Message” field.
©2007 Asante Networks Inc., All rights reserved. NetCam are registered trademarks of Asante Network, Inc.
All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.