DDNS helps you locate your website and access your website easily. You can find a lot of free
DDNS service providers on the Internet, such as www.no-ip.com and
Some gateway-routers can directly communicate with DDNS. In this case, you may directly
enter your DDNS account on the setting page in the Internet router, and then the router will
update your WAN IP status whenever it is changed and report to the DDNS. If your router
does not support direct communication with the DDNS, you can download a small application
program on the DDNS service page to help you update your WAN IP.
Item Description:
Active: enables/disables DDNS
DDNS Server: currently we only support
http://dyndns.org. This is a free domain name server
provided by DynDNS. You may log on this website for relevant information and apply for free
domain names.
Username: your account for the domain name you applied for
Password: your password for the domain name you applied for
Domain Name: the domain name you applied for.
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