
Q. Can the camera be used outdoors?
A. The camera is not waterproof, so a special waterproof cover must be available for outdoor use.
Please note that the waterproof cover may affect the built-in pickup function of the camera.
Q. Can this device ON for 24 hours ?
A. Yes, it is designed to be 24 hours operation.
Q. Can I mount on ceiling?
A. Yes, you may need to reverse the image from top page on camera position.
Q. How fast is the video frame rate of the network camera ?
A. The network camera can perform up to 30 fps which is up to human vision can differentiate the
motion. MPEG4 can run full 30 fps in D1 and MJPEG could operate up to 15 fps in D1 video size.
Q. Can anyone out there on Internet can snoop the camera ? Or could we secure our privacy on
the camera access?
A. The user authentication is level one to protect you from being hi-jacked. You can reallocate HTTP
port to non-standard 80 HTTP for access as 2
level protection. Or you can use UDP or TCP special
port to access which is 3
level protection. Lastly, you can use IP filtering Setting to allow or deny
viewer be very specific so that only have few limited PC on that IP address could be viewed.
©2007 Asante Networks Inc., All rights reserved. NetCam are registered trademarks of Asante Network, Inc.
All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.