
10. Attachment C: Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the differences between MPJEG and MPEG4 ?
A. The camera uses MJPEG or MPEG4 compression technology to provide quality images. MJPEG is
a standard image compression technology for years. It was evolved from JPEG which is compression
for still image. MJPEG’s compression ratio is relative low which implied the higher bandwidth is
required. MPEG4 is a next-generation image compression standard and can provide high image
quality at low bandwidth. This is for motion video compression technology and the compression ratio is
around 2 times than MPEG2 and MJPEG and it is great for video over IP and digital video recording.
Q. Is it possible to catch the image from the camera in a real-time manner?
A. Yes, you can use the snapshot function from the main control page.
Q. Can I access from anyplace from the Internet ?
A. Yes, you can access with some limitations from
(1) your office /home network outbound bandwidth – In general, you can not exceed the
outbound bandwidth you have. In most broadband network we have in place, the most popular
DSL/cable modem comes with 384kbps outbound. It implies the best video quality and affordable
video is CIF format and between 20 to 30fps.
(2) Your office/home router/firewall setting – Most of router should have capability to allow IP
device to be accessed externally. Please refer to your router user guide.
Q. What is ActiveX ? Where can I download it ?
A. ActiveX is Microsoft native runtime executable program which is very flexible to access and plug
and play. Network Camera is required an download ActiveX plug-in on the very 1st time access.
Viewer will be asked to install the ActiveX where the 1st time access the network camera. Without
ActiveX complete plug-in install, you will not be able to see a video screen on the home page. When
you access the network camera on the IE browser 1st time, your should be able to see a popup menu
to ask the permission to install ActiveX.
Q. How many users are allowed to view the camera simultaneously?
A. The maximum logical number of viewers is 20. However, due to the network bandwidth allowance, it
will be depend on the total bandwidth of the client accessing the camera. Please beware of that the
maximum bandwidth for one stream could be up to 5Mbps. Unless you have 100Mbps of network
infrastructure, unlikely you can enjoy D1 30fps with full bandwidth utilization on each stream with 20
users at the same time. On the other hand, if you have to have 20 users on a single 100M Ethernet
network, please either limit the bandwidth usage on each stream or lower the video size or lower the
frame rate.
Q. Is this a real time device and if there is any delay ?
A. Yes, this is a realtime but with few frame of delay. The video compression is required to store few
frames in advanced so that compression engine can compare the frame before and after to make the
best effort justification to compress. Few frame of delay is inevitable.
©2007 Asante Networks Inc., All rights reserved. NetCam are registered trademarks of Asante Network, Inc.
All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.