Default is OFF. Factory preset IP address as
DHCP setting will issue DHCP request to any available DHCP server in your network
environment. On the return, you will receive a “legal” IP address, Subnet mask, Default
gateway, DNS 1, DNS 2:
1. HTTP: HTTP is WWW application protocol using TCP port 80. This is very open to
most enterprise and home router/firewall system. Leverage HTTP for video streaming
would be easier for most environments but would potential receive more intrusion.
2. RTSP: TCP Port 554 as default. it has flow control it will guarantee of delivering by
giving buffering and retransmit mechanism. This device using RTSP (Real-time
Transport Streaming Protocol) to streaming the video/audio and it is a TCP
3. RTP: UDP Port 50000 ~ 60000 as default. UDP is non-flow control protocol and it is
good for real time video voice application. However, the UDP packet will no guarantee
of delivering and re-transmit if UDP packet loss due to the network or intermediate IP
network node congestion or service disruption.
PPPoE: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, is a network protocol for encapsulating PPP
frames in Ethernet frames. It is used mainly with ADSL services. It offers standard PPP features
such as authentication, encryption, and compression. Unfortunately it has an MTU lower than
that of standard Ethernet which can sometimes cause problems with badly configured firewalls.
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