
Voice Messaging Systems and Touch-Tone Receivers
Call Management System (CMS)
— PassageWay
Direct Connect Solution for Microsoft® Windows
System Programming and Maintenance (SPM)
Integrated Solution Ill (IS Ill) UNIX System-based products
— AUDIX Voice Power™ IS Ill
— Call Accounting System (IS CAS)
— System Programming and Maintenance (SPM) IS Ill
Fax Attendant System™ IS III
Voice Messaging Systems and
Touch-Tone Receivers
The following applications are voice messaging systems (VMSs):
MERLIN MAIL Voice Messaging System
AT&T Attendant
AUDIX Voice Power IS III
Automated Document Delivery System (ADDS)
You must connect applications that use mode codes to integrated VMI ports.
Applications that do not use mode codes, such as AT&T Attendant, connect
to generic VMI ports. The T/R ports on 012 basic telephone modules are
programmed as either generic VMI or integrated VMI.
A VMS requires a certain number of touch-tone receivers (TTRs), depending
on the number of VMS ports—see Table 8–1. The following modules supply
TTRs: 012, 400, 400 GS/LS/TTR, and 008 OPT (but the 008 OPT module does
not support VMS applications).
8-2 Installing Applications