Maintenance Strategy
Once you receive that information, use any maintenance or system
programming feature that may lead to the root of the problem. See “Access
Log for Maintenance and System Programming” in Chapter 2 for additional
information. See System Programming for information about system
programming and the Inspect function.
Check the Power Supply
If the error logs indicate the power supply as the source of the problem, see
“Power Supply Problems” in Chapter 4.
Check the Processor
If the error logs indicate the processor as the source of the problem, use the
following as a guideline to check the processor.
Back up system programming.
— System programming can be backed up to a floppy disk, using
— For Release 3.0, system programming can be backed up to a
memory card, and later, using SPM or the MLX-20L console. See
Appendix D, “Backing Up with a Memory Card,” for more
See “Processor Problems” in Chapter 4 to troubleshoot the processor.
Check the Modules
If the error logs indicate any modules, see “Module Problems” in Chapter 4.
Check the Control Unit Carrier
Within the control unit, the last possible cause of a problem is the carrier.
If the carrier is damaged, it must be replaced. See “Carrier Problems” in
Chapter 4 for instructions.
Introduction 1-25