Call Accounting System
Using one line for fax transmission limits ADDS to approximately 100 calls per
day. Businesses anticipating more than 100 calls per day may need more
than one system to handle the call volume efficiently.
Use ADDS in a two-line configuration to maximize performance and minimize
busy signals. ADDS can work behind an automated attendant. ADDS does
not function with an MFM.
Hardware Requirements
To set up ADDS, a business must have the following:
■ Automated Document Delivery System unit
■ Touch-tone telephone
■ Group Ill (G3) fax machine with an integrated handset
To request and receive information, a caller must have a touch-tone telephone
and a Group Ill (G3) fax machine.
For backup, one of the following is required:
AT&T 705 MT Multitasking Terminal
AT&T 6386/SX WGS (or compatible) with ProComm Plus
See the AT&T Automated Document Delivery System (ADDS) Administrator’s
Guide for installation instructions.
Call Accounting System
Call Accounting System (CAS) is ideal for medium and
want to manage telephone usage and control costs by
from and received by the system.
large companies that
tracking calls placed
8-4 Installing Applications