Unit Load Calculation Worksheet
Unit Load Worksheet
1. Number of modules in carrier (excluding power supply and
■ If fewer than five, auxiliary power is not required.
■ If five or six, continue to Step 2.
2. Key or Behind Switch mode only:
Indicate configuration of lines; then go to Step 5.
3. Hybrid/PBX mode only:
Do all modules in the carrier have MLX and/or analog multiline
telephone jacks?
■ If no, auxiliary power is not required
■ If yes, continue to Step 4.
4. Hybrid/PBX mode only:
Calculate the total number of MLX and analog multiline
Number of MLX-20L consoles connected to modules in the
Number of MLX-28D consoles connected to modules in the
Number of 34-button analog multiline telephones connected to
modules in the carrier
Total of MLX-20L, MLX-28D, and 34-button analog telephones
■ If total is less than or equal to 45, auxiliary power is not
■ If the total is greater than 45, continue to Step 5.
❑ Square
❑ Modified
❑ Yes
❑ No
C-2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting