Call Accounting Terminal (CAT)
documentation, 8-9
hardware requirements, 8-8
on outlet with CAT, 5-9 - 5-10
on outlet with printer
hardware required, 5-9
procedure, 5-9 - 5-10
on outlet without printer
control unit connections,
5-12 - 5-13
hardware required, 5-11
printer connections, 5-14 - 5-15
overview, 8-7 β 8-8
procedure, 8-8
Call Management System
documentation, 8-11 - 8-12
hardware and software
requirements, 8-10 - 8-11
overview, 8-9 β 8-1O
Carrier, 2-17 - 2-18
CAS (Call Accounting System), see Call
Accounting System (CAS)
CAT (Call Accounting Terminal), see
Call Accounting Terminal (CAT)
CMS (Call Management System), see
Call Management System (CMS)
Components installation sequence,
1-1 - 1-2
Connecting block removal, 3-62 - 3-63
Control unit
backboard, 2-2 - 2-3
connecting to AC outlet, 2-42
dimensions, 2-3 - 2-4
environmental requirements, 2-2 - 2-3
forms for, 1-3
front cover, 7-22
grounding requirements, 2-5 - 2-8,
2-10 - 2-15
housing, 7-22, 9-17 - 9-18
installation forms, 1-3
Control unit continued
interference, 2-3
location, 2-4
mounting hardware, 2-5
power requirements, 2-5 - 2-8
removing housing, 9-3 - 9-6
replacing housing clips, 9-7 - 9-10
top cover, 7-20
upgrading, 9-1 - 9-8
documentation, 8-13
hardware requirements, 8-12
overview, 8-12
software requirements, 8-1 2 - 8-1 3
Copper shield installation, 2-20 - 2-21
Copyright release and license, 3-35
Coverage feature testing, 7-14 - 7-15
Credit card verification terminal
installation, 3-22 - 3-24, 3-26 - 3-27
Data communications equipment (DCE)
7500B data-only, 6-14
7500B data with MLX voice,
6-12 - 6-13
configuration table, 6-2
forms, 1-4
modem-only, 6-10 - 6-11
modem with analog voice, 6-5 - 6-7
modem with MLX voice, 6-10 - 6-11
video conferencing, 6-16 - 6-20
Data stations
7500B data-only, 6-14
analog voice and modem data
configuration diagram, 6-7
GPA settings, 6-5
procedure, 6-5 - 6-6
configuration table, 6-2
MLX voice and 75006 data
INβ2 Installation