100D Module Problems
Restoring the Module
After completing the CSU Loopback Test, follow the steps below to restore the
1 If you are finished testing modules, restore the 100D module. Refer to
“Restore,” earlier in this chapter, for instructions.
2 Reset the CSU.
For the 551 T1 CSU, unplug the patch cord, first from the EQ IN jack
and then from the EQ OUT jack.
For the ESF T1 CSU, flip the DTE LOOPBACK switch down (to
deactivate the Ioopback).
For the ACCULINK 3150 CSU press the right arrow key once to
display the Ctrl selection, then press F3 to select Ctrl. Press the right
arrow key twice to display the reset selection. Now press F1 to initiate
a reset of the CSU.
Automatic Tests for the 100D Module
15 minutes, the system checks the 100D module for the following:
The system ensures that all T1 ports are properly
initialized and placed into service, It also resolves the conflicts of
different service levels (for example, between the individual ports or for
the initialization of the ports to support features).
Error Detection.
The system detects errors and takes the trunk out of
service, if appropriate. It attempts to restore the trunk and put it back
into service.
Error Recording.
The system records all errors and outages in the
error logs.
Audits and Updates.
The system checks the state of the T1 facilities
through audits, status checks, and error logging.
4-80 Control Unit Problems