
Multiserver 5000
Table 11-3. Command Facility Configuration
Option Default Description
1. Time 00:00:00 The system time. At power-up, the Multiserver requests the time from
locally attached feeder muxes to make sure that the network agrees on
the time of day. If there are no local feeder mux units, time starts at
00:00:00. During a keypad warm reset or default value node reset, the
time resets to 00:00:00.
After you select this option, the following is displayed:
Type in the hour, a colon (:), the minute, a colon, and the second(s) in
24-hour time. (If the time is 1:00 pm, the display should read 13:00:00.)
N to continue to the the next menu option (the date) or press <cr>
to re-display the Command Facility Parameters menu. Press M to abort
the process and return to the Command Facility Main Menu.
2. Date 00/00 System date in mm/dd (month/day). The month and day will reset to
00/00 if a hardware reset or default value node reset is performed.
After you select this option, the following is displayed:
Type in the month, a slash, and the day.
N to continue to the the next menu option (Event Reporting) or
press <cr> to re-display the Command Facility Parameters menu. Press
M to abort the process and return to the Command Facility Main Menu.
3. Event Reporting Off Toggle on or off. An event is a normal change of state in the system. No
action is required. The events are reported to the location defined in
option 7, Output Event/Alarm Reports, detailed below.
4. Alarm Reporting On Toggle on or off. Alarms are messages that report errors in the system
which directly affect the Multiserver’s performance ability. The alarms are
reported to the location defined in option 7, Output Event/Alarm Reports.
5. Switch Statistics On Toggle on or off. Switch statistics are messages about switching
Reporting conditions: class number, name, number of connects, connect failures,
and maximum number in queue. This is part of the system statistics
period report.
Switch Statistics is option 7 of the Status/Statistics menu, which is
discussed fully in Section 11.6, Status/Statistics, and Table 11-7.