
CHAPTER 3: Network Design and Topologies
3.4 Syntax for Node Numbers and IDs
Multiserver units and compatible multiplexors
share the same syntax for the node numbers and
Node # Syntax: Use 1 through 254. (Number 1 is
input as 1, not 001.)
Node ID Syntax: One to eight uppercase or
lowercase characters. Any combination of
alphanumeric characters and underscore ( _ ) is
allowed. No spaces are permitted. Node IDs are not
case-sensitive. They should be as short as possible.
Using the syntax described and a sample worksheet
copied from Appendix A, plan the node numbers
and node IDs that will be used in your network.
Make sure that you plan the port and channel
assignments, etc., for your network before reading
the rest of this manual. Worksheets for the channels
are also in Appendix A.
3.5 Default Node Numbers and Node IDs
The units are shipped with default configurations.
These default settings are listed in Table 3-2. (See
Appendix C for a complete listing of all Multiserver
5000 default settings.)
Figures 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 are typical Multiserver
networks and give the default settings of each node.
If the optional NMS module is installed, the default
3.2 Worksheets for the Network
Appendix A contains worksheets you can use to
plan your network. Make photocopies of the
worksheets you will need and then complete them.
You will need to refer back to your worksheets for
other aspects of the configuration process later in
this manual.
3.3 Nodes and Hubs
Each Multiserver and compatible multiplexor in a
network is referred to as a node. Each node must
have its own node number and node ID. These are
used by the Multiserver system to identify each node
in the network.
NOTE: There must be no duplicate nodes in the
All nodes connected locally are considered a local
hub group. This includes the Multiserver 5000 and
any feeder muxes connected directly to it.
All nodes on the other side of an interconnect link
are considered a remote hub group. There may be
feeder muxes connected directly to the remote
Multiserver. They are considered part of the remote
hub group.
Table 3-2. Multiserver and Feeder Mux Default Node Numbers and IDs
Default Node Default Node
Unit Number ID
Multiservers: 1000 240 !240
5000 240 !240
Feeder Muxes: Mux Connected to Port
A1 241 !241
A2 242 !242
A3 243 !243
A4 244 !244
A5 245 !245