
Appendix D: Messages
RESET REQ’D Info You have changed the sync protocol and did not
perform a reset. It is necessary to reset the node
before proceeding.
ni RING DETECTED LINK # ci Event The number dialed (TX or RX, primary or secon-
dary) is ringing. This message is displayed by the
call answering modem.
ni RX CONNECTION MADE Event A successful call was placed over the dial lines
LINK # ci from the modem’s RX dial-line connection. This
message is displayed by the call answering modem.
SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAIL Event The modem failed the self-test. Contact your
SIGNAL PROCESSOR PASS Event Self-test complete.
ni SL TIME OUT ci Info Sync loss has occurred continuously for 40
ni SYNC ACQUIRE ci Event Synchronization has been achieved with the remote
Multiserver unit or feeder mux attached on link ci.
SYNC CHANNEL Diagnostic Synchronous port c on node n has been
LOOPBACK n/c placed into loopback mode.
SYNC CHANNEL n/c Alarm Synchronous port c on node n has lost its
STOPPED output clock, or input end of frame is missing.
ni SYNC LOSS LINK ci Alarm Synchronization has been lost with the remote
Multiserver unit or feeder mux on link ci.
TEST CLEARED LINK # ci Diagnostic A modem test has been terminated.
THE CHANNEL MUST BE Info Appears when a channel type or protocol change
DISCONNECTED is requested and the port is connected.
TIMEOUT Info The request is not accepted by the modem.
ni TRANSMIT/RECEIVE Event A call is being transmitted or received.
ni TRANSMITTER BUSY Event The local transmitter detected a busy signal.
ni TRANSMITTER Event The ADB software is dialing the transmitter
DIALING LINK ci number for link ci.
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation