
Appendix D: Messages
CHANNEL NOT INSTALLED Info An attempt has been made to configure or test a
voice/fax port and the port number selected is not a
voice/fax port.
CHANNEL(S) NOT Info An attempt has been made to view the status
INSTALLED or configuration of a range of ports that are not
voice/fax ports.
CHANNEL REQUEST UNSUCCESSFUL, Info The voice/fax port you are trying to test is
PLEASE RETRY not working properly.
CHECK FOR PROPER Info The selection entered required either a CSU/DSU
DEVICE INSTALLATION module. You have entered the wrong link number.
ni CMOS ERROR Alarm There is a problem detected in writing to the
Multiserver configuration area. Contact your service
COMMAND FACILITY Info The Command Facility Main Menu cannot be
DISABLED accessed by the port requesting it.
COMMAND INHIBITED Info The password entered does not permit
BY PASSWORD access to the selected menu. (The password is a
status type rather than global type and permits
access only to view, status, and disconnect
COMMAND MODE Info All available ports to the Command Mode
PORTS BUSY are busy. Up to two ports and the dedicated
Command Port (on the NMS Module) can access
the Command Mode at one time.
CONFIGURATION INHIBITED Info Async or sync port configuration is being
WRONG CHANNEL TYPE attempted, but the channel number selected is
for a port of a different channel type.
CONFLICT IN Info An attempt has been made to copy channel
CHANNEL TYPES parameters of two dissimilar channel types.
CONNECT n/c n/c cl Event Indicates the pair of ports that have been
connected and the called port’s class. Also
indicates a force-connection has been made.
CONNECT FAIL Info Unable to connect to the remote Command Facility
from the local Command Facility.
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation