
CHAPTER 9: Data-Channel Configuration
Table 9-3. Sync Channel Characteristics (continued)
Option Protocol Default Description
Interface DLC TO DTE Set TO DTE for interfacing with data terminal
Type ASCII Bisync TO DTE equipment. The channel will return CTS on in
EBCDIC Bisync TO DTE response to RTS on from the attached terminal
H-P Sync TO DTE equipment. Set TO DCE for interfacing with data
RTS/CTS TO DTE communications equipment. The interface signal
Sync-Pad TO DTE CTS must be on from the attached modem in order
MICOM DLC TO DTE to enable output from the Multiserver. This also
MICOM Voice TO DTE allows for RTS/CTS delay, which varies on different
TDM TO DTE modems. Each port must be configured
independently at each end of the link. This will
allow, for example, the flexibility for a TO DTE
interface to a computer and for a TO DCE interface
to a tail-circuit modem. If CTS buffer control is
selected, CTS may be delayed up to 250 ms after
RTS. See Tables 9-6 and 9-7 for pin assignments
and DCE and DTE local channel interfaces.
Carrier DLC CONSTANT Defines when carrier is held high, either constant or
Mode ASCII Bisync CONSTANT variable. (TDM is set for constant and is not
EBCDIC Bisync CONSTANT configurable.)
Sync ASCII Bisync 16 Sets the value (in hexadecimal) of the leading sync
Character* EBCDIC Bisync 32 character for the start of the block (usually 16 or
H-P Sync 16 32). This character is repeated twice.
RTS/CTS FF It is very important that the correct sync character
Sync-Pad - 1 16 be configured; otherwise false syncing may occur.
- 2 16 For Sync-Pad Protocol, the sync character must
Fast Packet FF match the 16-bit hexadecimal synchronization
TDM FF sequence.
Number of ASCII Bisync 3 Sets number of leading sync characters the
Leading EBCDIC Bisync 3 Multiserver will generate on output. This provides a
Syncs* H-P Sync 3 time delay to allow the device on the selected port
RTS/CTS 3 to synchronize.
Sync-Pad 3
Pad ASCII Bisync FF Sets the value of the pad character (any alpha or
Character* EBCDIC Bisync FF numeric character). The pad character precedes
H-P Sync FF the sync character and follows the end of the block.
RTS/CTS FF The pad character is used to pad the block of data.
Sync-Pad FF
* Prompt only. No menu.