
Multiserver 5000
Display voice/fax signal. The indicator
lights on the voice/fax module show
the level (see Figure 13.5). When
this test is initiated, the display will
read [Active].
Terminate Terminates all the tests initiated at
Test this menu.
Once a test is initiated, an [Active] message is
displayed on the LCD. All tests remain active until
terminated with Terminate Test. The next time you
cycle through the LCD Menus, an [Active]
message is displayed, meaning the test was
previously invoked and is still active. When a test is
complete or is terminated, the LCD will display
For additional information on these tests, consult
the MS1 Voice/Fax Card User’s Manual.
When this menu is selected, the screen will prompt
for the channel number to be tested. If a
CSU/DSU module is installed in the Multiserver,
the following diagnostic options will be offerred:
Option Description
Local Verifies the integrity of data entered
Loopback into the local ISU.
Digital Verifies the data path of the system
Loopback from a terminal at the remote unit,
and verifies the data path from a
local terminal up to the ISU module.
This test requires operator
intervention at the remote unit. The
Multiservers at both ends of the link
must be in the Remote Composite
Loopback Test to perform this test
(see above).
Test Pattern Generates a test pattern within the
(TP) ISU to verify the ability of the ISU
and the DDS to transfer data in both
directions. This requires operator
intervention at the remote unit.
Local Verifies the local ISU module by
Loopback using a test pattern generated
with TP within the ISU module.
Terminate Terminates all the tests initiated at
Test this menu.
Once a test is initiated, an [Active] message is
displayed on the LCD. All tests remain active until
terminated with Terminate Test. The next time you
cycle through the LCD Menus, an [Active]
message is displayed, meaning the test was
previously invoked and is still active. When a test is
complete or is terminated, the LCD will display
For additional information on these tests, consult
the MS1 56K CSU/DSU Module User’s Manual.
13.7 Configuration
Currently the only option in this menu that can be
accessed is Hardware Overview. This function is a
display only of the hardware configuration.
Press the down arrow to read the PROM # and
right/left arrows to display the module information.
The display shows the following items in this order:
Slot $: NMS Module (if installed)
Slot A: Module and Revision
Slot B: Module and Revision
Slot C: Module and Revision
Slot D: Module and Revision
Slot E: Module and Revision