
Appendix D: Messages
ni DIALING TX SECONDARY Info The modem is dialing the secondary TX dial
LINK # ci line number. This usually indicates that the call to
the primary TX number cannot be completed (the
number is busy, no answer, etc.). This message is
displayed by the call-originating modem.
ni DIAL LINE Event The dial line is dropped because of bad lines,
DROPPED LINK ci DTR dropped, or RLSD lost.
DISABLED Info This function is disabled.
<DISCONNECTED> Dialog The connection has been broken. Sent to call
originator only when switching is used (not for force-
DISCONNECT n/c n/c Event A pair of ports has been disconnected.
ni DUPLICATE NODE-ID ci Info Two nodes in the network have the same ID.
<ENTER CLASS> Dialog Asks for the destination class name.
<ENTER CLASS Dialog Asks for the password associated with the
PASSWORD> destination port’s class. If no password is
configured for the class, the user should type a
<ENTER PASSWORD> Dialog Asks for a password associated with the signed on
ni FORCED DIAL Event The modem at node ni on link ci is configured
LINK ci for forced dial mode.
ni FORCED LEASE Event The modem at node ni on link ci is configured
LINK ci for forced lease mode.
FOX TEST ACTIVE Diagnostic An async channel output test has been activated.
ILLEGAL INPUT Info The entry, as received, cannot be executed. This
could be caused by an incorrect password, incorrect
broadcast message, or voice/fax extension number
that is too long.
ILLEGAL SELECTION Info The number entered is not on the list of items of the
displayed menu.
<INCOMPATIBLE> Dialog The attempted connection is not compatible with the
Screen Display Messages
Message Message Type Explanation