Number of CAM entries used by NBR entries = 0
Number of CAM entries used by Prefix entries = 1
Section Current Use Initial Size
128 0 147519
127 0 63
126 0 63
125 0 63
124 0 63
123 0 63
122 0 63
121 0 63
120 0 63
119 0 63
118 0 63
117 0 63
116 0 63
115 0 63
show ipv6 management-route
Display the IPv6 static routes configured for the management interface.
show ipv6 management-route [all | connected | summary | static]
all (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword all to view all IP addresses
assigned to all Management interfaces on the switch.
connected (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword connected to view only
routes directly connected to the Management interface.
summary (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword summary to view a table
listing the number of active and non-active routes and their
static (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword static to view non-active
routes also.
EXEC Privilege
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
IPv6 Basics