Version Description Introduced on the C-Series Introduced on the E-Series.
Traffic statistics are sorted on a per-interface basis; the interface receiving the most
traffic is displayed first. All CPU and port information is displayed unless a specific
port or CPU is specified. Traffic information is displayed for router ports only; not
for management interfaces. The traffic statistics are collected only after the debug
cpu-traffic-stats command is executed; not from the system bootup.
NOTE: After debugging is complete, use the no debug cpu-traffic-
command to shut off traffic statistics collection.
Dell#show cpu-traffic-stats
Processor : CP
Received 100% traffic on fortyGigE 2/12 Total packets:8
LLC:0, SNAP:0, IP:5, ARP:0, other:3
Unicast:5, Multicast:3, Broadcast:0
Processor : RP
Received 100% traffic on fortyGigE 2/12 Total packets:168
LLC:0, SNAP:0, IP:165, ARP:0, other:3
Unicast:42, Multicast:126, Broadcast:0
debug cpu-traffic-stats — enables CPU traffic statistics for debugging.
show cpu-interface-stats
View CPU interface statistics.
show cpu-interface-stats [cp | rp | linecard {0–2} |all]
cp Enter the keyword cp to display the interface statistics only
from the Control Processor.
rp Enter the keyword rp to display the interface statistics only
from the Route Processor.
linecard slot-id Enter the linecard slot-id parameters to display the
interface statistics only from a specified line card. The range
of line-card slot IDs is from 0 to 2.
all Enter the keyword all to display the interface statistics from
all Z9500 CPUs, including the Control Processor, Route
Processor, and line cards.
Control and Monitoring