Field Description
20 Total rxmt... Displays the number of times the switch tried to re-send
data and the number of connections dropped during the
TCP retransmit timeout period.
0 Keepalive.... Lists the number of keepalive packets in timeout, the
number keepalive probes and the number of TCP
connections dropped during keepalive.
Dell#show tcp statistics cp
Control Processor TCP:
Rcvd: 10585 Total, 0 no port
0 checksum error, 0 bad offset, 0 too short
329 packets (1263 bytes) in sequence
17 dup packets (6 bytes)
0 partially dup packets (0 bytes)
7 out-of-order packets (0 bytes)
0 packets ( 0 bytes) with data after window
0 packets after close
0 window probe packets, 41 window update packets
41 dup ack packets, 0 ack packets with unsend data
10184 ack packets (12439508 bytes)
Sent: 12007 Total, 0 urgent packets
25 control packets (including 24 retransmitted)
11603 data packets (12439677 bytes)
24 data packets (7638 bytes) retransmitted
355 ack only packets (41 delayed)
0 window probe packets, 0 window update packets
7 Connections initiated, 8 connections accepted, 15
connections established
14 Connections closed (including 0 dropped, 0 embryonic
20 Total rxmt timeout, 0 connections dropped in rxmt timeout
0 Keepalive timeout, 0 keepalive probe, 0 Connections
dropped in keepalive
clear tcp statistics — clears TCP traffic statistics.
IPv4 Routing