Field Description
Reports The total number of reports (queries and unsolicited reports
generated from joins or leaves) that have been received or
Leaves The number of Multicast leaves that have been sent.
MLDv1 queries The number of MLDv1 queries that have been received.
MLDv2 queries The number of MLDv2 queries that have been received.
The number of MLDv1 and MLDv2 packets that do not
match the requirement for a valid MLD packet.
MLD Host Traffic Counters
Elapsed time since counters cleared: 0028:33:52
Received Sent
Valid MLD Packets 97962 18036
Reports 79962 18034
Leaves ---- 0
MLDv2 Queries 18000 ----
MLDv1 Queries 0 ----
Malformed Packets: 4510
show ipv6 neighbors
Display IPv6 discovery information. Entering the command without options shows all IPv6 neighbor
addresses stored on the control processor (CP).
show ipv6 neighbors [vrf vrf-name] [cpu rp [ipv6–address]
[ipv6-address| interface interface]
vrf vrf-name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword vrf followed by the name of
the VRF to display the neighbors corresponding to that VRF.
NOTE: If you do not specify this option, neighbors
corresponding to the default VRF are displayed.
cpu rp Enter the keywords cpu rp to display information about
IPv6 neighbors learned only on the Route Processor.
ipv6–address Enter the IPv6 address of a neighbor to display information
about the specified device.
ipv6-address Enter the IPv6 address of the neighbor in the x:x:x:x::x
IPv6 Basics