Field Description
Primary Displays the VLAN ID of the designated or associated
primary VLAN(s).
Secondary Displays the VLAN ID of the designated or associated
secondary VLAN(s).
Type Displays the type of VLAN in which the listed interfaces
Active States whether the interface is operationally up or down.
Ports Displays the interface IDs in the listed VLAN.
Example (All)
Dell# show vlan private-vlan
Primary Secondary Type Active Ports
------- --------- --------- ------ -----------
10 primary Yes Te 2/1,3
100 isolated Yes Te 2/2
101 community Yes Te 2/10
20 primary Yes Po 10, 12-13
Te 1/1
200 isolated Yes Te 1/2,4-6
201 community No
202 community Yes Te 1/11-12
Dell# show vlan private-vlan primary
Primary Secondary Type Active Ports
------- --------- --------- ------ -------
10 primary Yes Te 2/1,3
20 primary Yes Te 1/1,3
Dell# show vlan private-vlan isolated
Primary Secondary Type Active Ports
------- --------- --------- ------ ----------
10 primary Yes Te 2/1,3
100 isolated Yes Te 2/2,4-6
200 isolated Yes Te 1/2,4-6
Dell# show vlan private-vlan community
Primary Secondary Type Active Ports
------- --------- --------- ------ -----------
10 primary Yes Te 2/1,3
101 community Yes Te 2/7-10
20 primary Yes Po 10, 12-13
Te 1/1
201 community No
202 community Yes Te 1/11-12
Dell# show vlan private-vlan interface te 2/1
Primary Secondary Type Active Ports
------- --------- --------- --------------------
10 primary Yes Te 2/1
Dell# show vlan private-vlan mapping
Private Vlan:
Private VLAN (PVLAN)