• A successful match with a continue clause, the route map executes the set
clauses and then goes to the specified route map entry upon execution of the
continue clause.
• If the next route map entry contains a continue clause, the route map executes
the continue clause if a successful match occurs.
• If the next route map entry does not contain a continue clause, the route map
evaluates normally. If a match does not occur, the route map does not
continue and falls through to the next sequence number, if one exists.
Set Clause with Continue Clause
If the route-map entry contains sets with the continue clause, set actions are
performed first then the continue clause jumps to the specified route map entry.
• If a set action occurs in the first route map entry and then the same set action
occurs with a different value in a subsequent route map entry, the last set of
actions overrides the previous set of actions with the same set command.
• If set community additive and set as-path prepend are configure, the
communities and AS numbers are prepended.
set community — specifies a COMMUNITY attribute.
set as-path — configures a filter to modify the AS path.
Add a description to this route map.
description {description}
To remove the description, use the no description {description}
description Enter a description to identify the route map (80 characters
Defaults none
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
Version Description
9.2(1.0) Introduced on the Z9500.
Access Control Lists (ACL)