5707070-A Installation and Operation 2-15
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Move the AC/ Battery switch to the Battery (DC) side. See Figure 2-8 for the
switch location.
Plug the battery in to the power cable. For information on charging your
battery, see “Portable Battery Operation (Portable Units Only)” on page 2-25.
3. Continue on to “First Time Operation” on page 2-17.
The following sections describe the display panel in the electronics enclosure, first
time operation, and normal operation of your Doppler flow meter.
Display Panel
The display panel in the Doppler flow meter electronics enclosure provides an
interface for monitoring and controlling the flow meter. The high resolution 2-line
(16-digits per line) display shows operating information and configuration menu
prompts. You may use the keypad to make selections when prompted by the
configuration menu prompts.