5707070-A Installation and Operation 2-19
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Your Doppler flow meter is now configured to measure flow per the parameters you
have set. After you set the flow reading parameters you need for your system, you can
secure these settings so they are saved in the event of power loss to the electronics
Note: To clear the rate and totalizer parameters you have set, simply switch the power
off using the on/ off switch on the display panel. Until settings are saved using
the security switch, turning off power clears all previously set parameters.
When you turn on power again, the LCD screen will prompt you to restart
To Save Your Programmed Flow Reading Settings Using the Security Switch:
1. Complete setting the flow reading parameters (see “First Time Operation” on
page 2-17 to set parameters).
2. Unscrew the face of the display panel to expose the processor board by turning
both white plastic screws on the right side of the face of the display panel
counterclockwise at the same time.
3. The security switch (called “S1” on the electronics board) is located in the upper
left corner of the processor board, See Figure 2-8 to find the location of this
switch. While programming, the switch was on the “B” side (Program/ run mode).
4. To save your new settings, move the security switch on the processor board to the
“A” side (Secure/ run mode). This switch ensures your settings will be saved in
the event of power loss.
5. Be sure to close and resecure the face of the display panel when you are finished.
Carefully rethread the screws clockwise simultaneously.
Note: If you need to change your programming, reopen the electronics enclosure and
unscrew the display panel to expose the processor board. Slide the security
switch to the “B” side (Program/ run mode). Once your new selections are
Table 2-5. Totalizer selection
Key Selection Definition
1 GAL Gallons
2 CU FT Cubic feet
3 AC FT Acre feet
4 MG Millions of gallons
5 LTRS Liters
6 CM Cubic meters
8 < = > Use this key to move between totalizer
selection screens