5707070-A Troubleshooting and Customer Support 3-7
Sono-Trak™ Doppler Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Table 3-4. Status of flow reading troubleshooting checklist: High or low
Question/ Possible Cause Corrective Action
Has the meter been properly
Using the display panel keypad and the LCD screen,
verify that the rate selection and totalizer selection are set
See “To Operate Your Doppler Flow Meter for the First
Time:” on page 2-18.
Has the meter been set up with
sufficient straight run piping?
Make sure that the transducers are properly placed for
use with your Doppler flow meter.
See “Straight Run Requirements” on page 2-5 for more
information on correct transducer placement in your
Are the transducers mounted
properly on the pipe?
Make sure that the transducers have been mounted on a
clean, smooth pipe using the required coupling grease.
Ensure that the transducers are securely mounted side by
See “To Mount the Clamp-On Transducers to the Pipe:”
on page 2-9.
Has the pipe been cleaned down to
bare metal before transducer
placement? Is this an old pipe?
Make sure the pipe was cleaned with sandpaper prior to
transducer placement. Also, check to make sure the type
of pipe in your application is suitable for use with a
Doppler flow meter.
See “Assessing Pipe Material and Condition” on
page 2-5.
Does your Doppler show a flow
reading that varies from the
reading on your alternative
measurement device?
Verify that pumps are operating and that valve settings
are correct. Compare the velocity reading with an
alternative type of flow meter.
If the flow reading on your Doppler is similar to
the reading on your alternative meter, the Doppler
is probably reading correctly.
If the flow reading on your Doppler varies from
the reading on the alternative meter, you may
need to adjust the K Factor accordingly to correct
the flow reading.
See “K Factor (Correction Factor)” on page 2-22 for
information on adjusting your K Factor.