3-8 Troubleshooting and Customer Support 5707070-A
Advanced Energy
Is the flow reading showing an erratic rate?
Yes. If the flow reading appears erratic, troubleshoot using Table 3-5 below.
No. If you have followed all the troubleshooting steps and procedures and your
Doppler is still not working correctly, contact “EMCO Flow Systems Support”
on page 3-11 for information on how to proceed.
Table 3-5. Status of flow reading troubleshooting checklist: Erratic
Question/ Possible Cause Corrective Action
Have the transducers been placed in
the recommended location on the
Make sure that the transducers have been mounted in
an acceptable location:
Consider straight run requirements (see
“Straight Run Requirements” on page 2-5 for
more information
Make sure the transducers are mounted side by
See “To Mount the Clamp-On Transducers to the
Pipe:” on page 2-9 for more details.
Has the pipe been cleaned down to
bare metal before transducer
placement? Is this an old pipe?
Make sure the pipe was cleaned with sandpaper prior
to transducer placement. Also, check to make sure the
type of pipe in your application is suitable for use with
a Doppler flow meter.
See “Assessing Pipe Material and Condition” on
page 2-5.
Is the unit near an electric motor or
motor controller?
Move the transducers away from interference and see
if the flow readings become more stable.
Is your update time allowing for
erratic flow readings?
Change your flow meter update time and see if the
flow readings become more stable.
See “To Set Update Time:” on page 2-24.
Can you adjust Analog damping to
provide a more accurate reading?
See “Main electronics board connections” on
page 2-12 and “Another view of processor board
connections” on page 2-14 to find the Analog damping
on the Doppler flow meter processor board and adjust
it to eliminate erratic flow readings.