
Data Dump Mode
The LX-90 has a special feature that makes it easy for experienced
printer users to find the causes of problems. Called the data dump
mode, it gives a printout of exactly what codes reach the printer.
Enter this mode by turning on the power switch on the right side of
the printer while holding down the FF and LF buttons at the same
time. The printer responds by printing the words “Data Dump
Mode.” Then, when you run a program, either an applications pro-
gram or one you have written in any programming language, the
LX-90 prints one or more lines. Each line has three parts: the line
number (four digits), the hexadecimal codes (up to
numbers), and
the guide section
characters at the end of each line except the last).
The hexadecimal numbers are the codes received by the printer, and
the guide section helps you find a certain place in the list of codes. Each
character in the guide section corresponds to one of the codes. If the
code is for a printable character, that character is printed. If the code is
for a non-printable character, such as the ESCape code or the code for
a line feed or carriage return, a dot is printed.
Therefore, if you ran the following BASIC program while your
LX-90 was in the data dump mode, you would get the printout below
it. The printer will print all but the last line and then stop. Press the
ON LINE button to make the printer print the last line.
10 FOR X=70 TO 73
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E"
40 LPRINT "Sample text"
50 LPRINT CHR$(27);"@"
Data Dump Mode
0000 46 OD OA 47 OD OA 48 OD OA 49 OD OA 1B 45 OD OA F..G..H..I...E..
0001 53 61 6D 70 60 65 20 74 65 78 74 OD OA 1B 40 OD Sample text ...@.
0002 OA
You can consult Appendix A to see the meaning of the hexadecimal
codes. The explanation below of the first line will put you on the right
track for using the data dump mode.