
NLQ Mode
The preceding examples are in the I-X-90’s draft mode, but the
LX-90 also has the high-quality NLQ (Near Letter Quality) mode that
you have seen in previous chapters.
The NLQ letters are more fully-formed than the draft letters
because they are made up of many more dots, as you can see below.
shows enlargements of two letters in draft mode compared
with the same two in the NLQ mode.
Figure 3-3. Near Letter Quality and draft characters compared
With the two modes, draft and NLQ, the LX-90 lets you choose
high speed or high quality each time you print. You can print your
ordinary work or preliminary drafts quickly in the draft mode and use
the NLQ mode for final copies or special purposes.
SelecType makes it especially easy to change from draft to NLQ,
but you can also select and cancel the NLQ mode with a software
command or with a DIP switch in the back of your printer. You can
find the software command in Chapter 4 and the operation of the
switch in Appendix D.