Mode Combination
Two of the SelecType modes (NLQ and emphasized) can be com-
bined to create an impressive effect. If you want to see this combina-
tion, turn your printer off and back on and follow the instructions
below :
1. See that the ON LINE and READY lights are on.
2. Press the ON LINE and FF buttons at the same time.
3. Press the ON LINE button once and then the FF button once.
Since one is the code for NLQ, you have now set the LX-90 for NLQ.
4. Press the ON LINE button one more time and then the FF button
once again.
This makes a total of two times, and thus sets the LX-90 for empha-
sized also.
5. Press the LF button to return the panel to its standard operation.
6. Press the ON LINE button to put the LX-90 on line.
Now print your sample document or run your sample program. If
your printing appears in
emphasiaed Near Letter Quality
as you see here, you have successfully combined the two modes. If
you get any other results, turn your printer off and back on and then
try the steps again.
You can combine other modes using the same technique, but some
modes will not mix with others. Table 2-2 shows which modes can be
combined. A dot in a box indicates that the two modes can be com-