2. Hold down the LF button on the control panel while you turn the
printer on with the power switch.
The LX-90 begins printing letters, numbers, and symbols in the
draft mode. It won’t stop until you turn it off or until it gets near the
end of the paper.
To see the same test in the NLQ (Near Letter Quality) mode, turn
the printer on while pressing the FF button. Figure 1-3 shows partial
results of both tests.
!“#$%!&’ ()*+,-.
/0123456789 : ; <=>?@ABCDEFGHI
! “#$%& ’ ()*+,-. /0123456789 : ; <=>?@ABCDEFEHIJ
“#$%& ’ ( ) *+, --. /0123456789 : ; <=>?@ABCDEFGHIJK
#$%& ’ ( )*+f , -. /O123456789 : ; <=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL
/0123456789: ; <
/0123456789 : ; <=>.. ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
! “#$%&’ ( ) *+, -.
"#$%&' ( ) *+, -.
$%&' ()*+, -.
%&' ()*+, -.
Figure 1-3. Self-test printouts
Connecting the Printer to Your Computer
Now that the self test has shown that your printer is working well,
it’s time to hook it up to your computer. It is best to have both the
printer and the computer turned off when you do this.
Because different computers require different printer connections,
you need a separate cable to connect the PIC cable to your computer.
Connect the separate cable to the plug on the end of the PIC cable and
then plug the other end into your computer. Your computer manual or
your dealer will tell you what you need.