Figure 7-2. Grid for designing draft characters
Because the last two columns are reserved for the space between
characters, they are not included in the grid. And since most charac-
ters do not use the bottom two rows, a heavy line indicates the usual
lower limit for an LX-90 character.
When you place your dots on this grid, remember that dots cannot
go on horizontal lines, but they can go on vertical lines so long as they
do not overlap any other dots. As you design your characters, draw
the dots as large as you see them in the example on the left in Figure
7-3. If you draw them smaller, you may have overlapping dots with-
out realizing it.
Figure 7-3.
Correct and
If you do accidentally call for overlapping dots, don’t worry. The
program will still work, but only one of the dots will be printed.