1319 Onirica Ritmica 96 || 2,4
1319 Onirica Ritmica 48 2,4
[S]{PRE}(TT) Sides bounce! EQ > Verb > 4v reverse shifters(10 sec) > Ring Modulators. Stereo in, quad out.
1320 Singularity 96 2,4
[S]{PRD} Eight detuners set as a continuously downward atmosphere. Great for sparse source material. Stereo in, quad
1321 Stratospherics 96 2,2
[S]{DM} Strange oscillating delays with modulation. Unusual rhythmic effect or ambiance if used with volume swells.
Summed in, stereo out.
14 Filters
This bank offers a collection of static and modulated filters: was, formant “mouthlators”, harmonic
enhancers, sample & hold filters, sweeps and synth-style filters, bandpass and crossovers. We have
included many of our favorite effects here.
1410 'AllWays'PanFltr 96 2,4
{ME} Eight filters modulated such that at any time 4 are going 'up' and 4 are going 'down'. The effect takes a few
seconds to kick in. Mono in, dual stereo out.
1411 Cup Mute 96 2,2
{DE} Simulates the sound of a trumpet-like bell with a cup mute. A generalized mod input is accepted to modulate the
input on the fly. Hit parameter to get second page of parameters. Mono in, stereo out.
1412 Dual Modfilters 96 2,2
[GVDK]{MEY}(TT) Dual envelope filters/wa/auto wa pedals. <masters> override individual channels. Env
normally=lowpass, Wa normally=bandpass. Stereo in, stereo out.
1413 EZ Leslie 96 2,2
[K]{DMEY} Leslie simulator with simple controls. Summed in, stereo out.
1414 Filter Bank Pan 96 2,4
{EY} Divides signal into octaves and allows you to pan each octave separately. Provides very nice 'space' without
being too obvious. Decrease input gain to avoid distortion. Use output gain to compensate. If you 'remote' any of the
pan positions, use Lag to ensure quick modulation does not cause distortion. 1 in (1=3, 2=4). Summed in, quad out.
1415 Eight Filters 48 8,8
1415 Eight Filters 96 || 8,8
1416 Four Filters 96 4,4
{E} <master> params override individual channels.
1417 Harmonic Enhance 96 2,2
{E} Brightens up signals when missing high end. Adds even harmonics above `Tune' frequency. Tap the Tune button
to hear just enhancement. Dual mono in, dual mono out.
1418 Mouth-a-lator Two 96 2,2
[G]{ME}(TT) Enhanced and optimized version of this classic Eventide preset. Select LFO or pedal as modulation source to feed
this vocal wa effect. Summed in, stereo out.
1419 OctaveBandFilterPan 96 || 2,4
1419 OctaveBandFilterPan 48 2,4
{DMEY}(TT) Divides signal into octaves and pans each octave separately. Decrease input gain to avoid distortion, then use
output gain to compensate. Set Mode to Phase Inverse for a more 3-dimensional effect. Mono in, quad out.
1420 OrganicAnimation 96 2,2
{EY} Peak detection slightly modulates a bandpass filter to make vocals sound closer and more up front. <sens> adds
gain to the detection circuit, adjust as needed. Mix in only enough to feel the effect when removed. Stereo in, stereo
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 38 of 109 12/30/2003