3434 4 Your Toms Only 96 2,2
[D]{RDME}(TT) Tom ambience with a little verb, a little chorus, a little EQ, a little anchovy sauce. Summed in, stereo out.
35 Phasers
Any kind of phaser belongs here! From vintage sounds to sample & hold and science fiction…
3510 'Pure Phase' Phaser 96 || 8,8
3510 'Pure Phase' Phaser 48 8,8
[S]{DEY} A phaser modulated by the level of the input. Attack and Decay control response. The phaser is recombined
withthe INVERSE of the original signal. All that remain are the out of phase partials. Octal in, octal out.
3511 'Static' Phaser 96 2,4
[VD]{ME}(TT) Eight phasers modulated such that at any time 4 are going 'up' and 4 are going 'down'. The result is a phaser
that doesn't really go anywhere... it just sounds 'phasey'. Positive feedback introduces bass distortion & so it isn't
offered. The effect takes a few seconds to kick in. Summed in, mono out.
3512 Band Phaser 96 || 2,4
3512 Band Phaser 48 2,4
[VD]{DME}(TT) Input is divided into octaves and each octave is phased separately. Decrease input gain to avoid distortion
and output gain to compensate. Summed in, stereo out.
3513 CBM Phaser 96 2,2
[GVK]{M}(TT) This is a six stage phase shifter that has a global resonance control as well as APResonance that controls the
resonance of the individual stages. I'm no longer sorry that I sold that Bi-Phase. Summed in, stereo out.
3514 Envelope Phaser 96 8,4
[GVDK]{EY} A phaser that is controlled by the level of the input. 'Attack' and 'Decay' control the response time.
3514 Envelope Phaser8 96 8,4
[GVDKS]{EY} A phaser that is controlled by the level of the input. 'Attack' and 'Decay' control the response time.
3515 ManualPhasers 96 4,4
{E} Manual sweep of phasers.
3516 ManualPhasers8 96 8,8
{E} Manual sweep of phasers.
3517 One Way Phaser 96 2,4
{DME} Eternal upward or downward phaser. Because of the mechanisms involved, the program distorts upon loading
(sorry!). Summed in, stereo out.
3518 Quad Phaser 96 4,4
[S]{DME}(TT) A fifteen pole phase shifter. Quad in, quad out.
3519 Random Phaser 96 2,4
{MEY} Randomly phases and pans input for a silky sort of psychosis. Stereo in, Quad out (1 = 4, 2 = 3). Stereo in, quad
3520 Samp & Hold Phaser 96 4,4
3521 Samp & Hold Phaser8 96 8,8
{ME}(TT) Phaser modulated via Sample and Hold 'circuit'.
3522 Sci-Fi Phaser A 96 2,2
3523 Sci-Fi Phaser B 96 2,2
{ME} A twenty pole phase shifter. Mono in, mono out.
3524 StereoizingPhaser 96 2,2
{ME}(TT) This flavor gives 9 notches out left, and 12 notches out right. Summed in, stereo out.
3525 Techno Phaser 96 2,2
{ME} A seventeen pole phase shifter. Move the MANUAL knob for stepping effect. Stereo in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 59 of 109 12/30/2003