5438 MultiShift_8mod 48 2,2
5438 MultiShift_8mod 96 || 2,2
{P} Eight voice multishifter. Voice 1~4 fed from input#1, voice 5~8 fed from input#2. Independent external mods for
each voice. Stereo in, stereo out.
5439 Organizer 96 2,2
[GK]{PM} Turns any line into an organ solo. Pure tones gets you a Hammond, Complex tones get you a pipe. Summed in,
stereo out.
5440 PolytonalRythym 96 2,2
{PD}(TT) Polyrhythmic pitched delays. Play a note and get a six note line back as well as a delaytap of the original.
Summed in, stereo out.
5441 Stereo Backwards 96 2,2
{P} Breaks input into little pieces and plays them backwards. Adjust optional pitch shift in 'Expert' menu. Uses m/s
processing to maintain stereo image. Stereo in, stereo out.
5442 Vibrato_S 96 2,2
{PM}(TT) Simple vibrato effect. Stereo in, stereo out.
5443 Wammy_s 96 2,2
[G]{P} Simple wammy pedal. Stereo in, stereo out.
5444 Warm Shift 96 2,2
[GVK]{PE} One pitch shifter per channel. Each has a gentle lowpass in the feedback loop. Dual mono in, dual mono out.
55 Shifters - Diatonic
A diatonic shifter will keep its shifted output(s) within a key and scale type, related to a Root note and
chosen intervals. You define key, scale and intervals you want and the algorithm does the rest. Notice
that each shifter voice has 2 seconds delay available. This is System Tempo or Midi Clock synchable, for
rhythmic arpeggios.
5510 4_DiatonicShift 96 4,4
{P}(TT) A four channel four voice diatonic shifter. Quad in, quad out.
5511 5.1 C Maj Key Arps 48 6,6
5511 5.1 C Maj Key Arps 96 || 6,6
w Surround diatonic shifters tweaked for diatonic 11th arpeggios from the C major scale.
5512 5.1 C Maj Pent Arps 48 6,6
5512 5.1 C Maj Pent Arps 96 || 6,6
w Surround diatonic shifters tweaked for C major pentatonic arpeggios.
5513 5.1 C Min Clusters 48 6,6
5513 5.1 C Min Clusters 96 || 6,6
w Surround diatonic shifters tweaked for close intervals in a C minor scale.
5514 5.1 DiatonicShifters 96 || 6,6
5514 5.1 DiatonicShifters 48 6,6
w Your starting point for any 5.1 diatonic shifting custom preset.
5515 5.1 Maj Key Chords 48 6,6
5515 5.1 Maj Key Chords 96 || 6,6
w Surround diatonic shifters tweaked to get 11th chords in C major scale.
5516 5.1 Min Pentatonic 48 6,6
5516 5.1 Min Pentatonic 96 || 6,6
w Surround diatonic shifters tweaked for C min pentatonic arpeggios.
[S]{P}(TT) Full 5.1 I/O surround algorithm. 5 high quality diatonic pitch shifters with tap tempo delays (max 2 sec). 5.1 I/O.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 82 of 109 12/30/2003