21 Inst - Surround
Definitely a magic guitar sounds collection that demands the use of “quad” speakers. This bank offers
different takes of our Distortion preamp, coupled with classic Eventide effects spread in the listening
space around you. From intense rhythmic delays and shifters to ambient diffusors, delays and reverbs.
Such is the beauty pouring out of your speakers!
Volume Pedal is patched to Assign 1 as default.
2110 AcousticAmbience1 96 || 2,4
2110 AcousticAmbience1 48 2,4
[GS]{PRDMCEY}(TT) Preamp>choir>reverb. Summed in, quad out.
2111 AcousticAmbience2 96 || 2,4
2111 AcousticAmbience2 48 2,4
[GS]{PRDMCEY}(TT) Preamp>choir>diffusion. Summed in, quad out.
2112 Ambient Guitar 1 48 2,4
2112 Ambient Guitar 1 96 || 2,4
[GS]{PRDCEY}(TT) Preamp > t_ring plex . Summed in, quad out.
2113 Ambient Guitar 2 96 || 2,4
2113 Ambient Guitar 2 48 2,4
[GS]{PRDCEY}(TT) Preamp > t_ring plex . Summed in, quad out.
2114 ColorSlapGuitar 96 || 2,4
2114 ColorSlapGuitar 48 2,4
[GS]{PDMCEY}(TT) Preamp > color delays. Summed in, quad out.
2115 Crafty Ensemble 48 2,4
2115 Crafty Ensemble 96 || 2,4
[S]{PDCEY}(TT) Preamp>multishift. Summed in, quad out.
2116 Crafty Ensemble2 96 || 2,4
2116 Crafty Ensemble2 48 2,4
[S]{PDCEY}(TT) Preamp>diatonicshift. Summed in, quad out.
2117 DesertDistortion 96 || 2,4
2117 DesertDistortion 48 2,4
[GS]{RDCEY}(TT) Preamp > diffusion/delays Summed in, quad out.
2118 Jhaniikest 96 2,4
[S]{RDMCEY}(TT) Preamp > t_delay plex. Summed in, quad out.
2119 Oobleck 96 || 2,4
2119 Oobleck 48 2,4
[S]{PDMCEY}(TT) Preamp > colortap delays. Summed in, quad out.
2120 Outer Reaches 48 2,4
[S]{PRCEY}(TT) Preamp>diffchorus>reverseshifts. Summed in, quad out.
2121 Pianistick 96 || 2,4
2121 Pianistick 48 2,4
[GS]{RDCEY}(TT) Preamp>sostenuto>reverb. Summed in, quad out.
2122 PolytonalSurround 48 2,4
2122 PolytonalSurround 96 || 2,4
[S]{PDCEY}(TT) Preamp>polytonal rhythm. Summed in, quad out.
2123 Pulse Guitar 96 2,4
[GS]{RDMCEY}(TT) Preamp > t_delay plex. Summed in, quad out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 48 of 109 12/30/2003