
5211 Kick/SnareReplacer 96 || 2,2
[D]{SDCEY} All the tools you need for kick & snare replacement when mixing. This one uses DLYSAMP and can be loaded in
either (DSP engine). Load your samples via Input#1(kick) & input#2 (snare). After editing your samples, use trigger
sources from the 'sync' head and adjust <predelay> to syncronize sample playback with track, adjusting to account for
the difference in time between sync and repro heads. Delay feeds the pre-trig filter to refine the input to a noisegate,
which feeds the playback trigger. When dynamics switch is set to on, adjust peak detect and dynamics parameters to
have sample playback follow input dynamics. Dual mono in, dual mono out.
5212 MIDITrig Reverse 96 2,2
[K]{S} Plays back in reverse, controllable via MIDI. Stereo in, stereo out.
5213 Multi Trigger 96 2,2
{S} A multi-take sampler with the first four sounds being available on front panel soft keys (play1-4) for easy
triggering. Editing facilties are supplied on a separate menu. Note that there is no facility to save edit values or
sampled sounds. If loop is on it affects all samples. Stereo in, stereo out.
5214 Panning Sampler 96 2,2
{S} Multi-sampler with adjustable pan position for each of four outputs using rotating playback. Can record up to
four samples. Stereo in, stereo out.
5215 PlaybackOnlySampler 96 2,2
{S} Record has been disabled ! You have your data in the Harmonizer and don't want to worry about an improper
button press ! No input. Stereo in, stereo out.
5216 Reverse Sampler 96 2,2
[S]{S} Simple sampler that plays back(wards). Stereo in, stereo out.
5217 Sample Curver 96 2,2
[S]{SE} Single take sampler with time-varying parameters. Curves can be set up for time, pitch, level, pan and EQ, so that
these values change as desired over the length of the playback. To edit a curve, select the first numeric value of each
pair to position the cursor, then the other value to set the curve at that point. Repeat as necessary. Stereo in, stereo out.
5218 SAMPLER (midikeys) 96 2,2
[K]{S} Multitake Sampler. Panel and 'keyboard style' record and playback. Stereo in, stereo out.
5219 SAMPLER (multi) 96 2,2
{S} A multi-take Sampler. Panel, audio or MIDI triggering. When enabled, audio trig for rec and play is on left input.
Stereo in, stereo out.
5220 SAMPLER (single) 96 2,2
{S} Single take Sampler. Panel, audio or MIDI triggering. When enabled, audio trigger for record and play is on left
input IMPORTANT ! Recording with this preset will clear all previous recordings !!! Stereo in, stereo out.
5221 Sampler Filter Trig 96 2,2
{SEY} Sampler with filtered trigger input and level meter for sophisticated triggering control. Stereo in, stereo out.
5222 SAMPLER(multi)VERB 48 2,2
5222 SAMPLER(multi)VERB 96 || 2,2
{SR} Multi-take Sampler with full reverb. Panel, audio or MIDI triggering. When enabled, audio triggered record and
play is from left input. Stereo in, stereo out.
5223 SamplerAudioSwitch 96 2,2
{SDY} Sophisticated rotating playback sampler with choice of playback sample determined by input level. Stereo in,
stereo out.
5224 Studio Sampler_Q 48 4,4
5224 Studio Sampler_Q 96 || 4,4
{SEY} This is essentially a dual stereo version of 'Studio Sampler_S', allowing two 43 second stereo samples at 48k
sampling. Record and playback may be controlled from the softkeys, or each stereo pair may be recorded or played
independently under audio control from inputs 1 and 3. Dual stereo in, dual stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 78 of 109 12/30/2003